Provider Resources
Medical Supply Provider Resources
Helpful Tips
We know that caring for your patients can be complicated. Knowing what is and isn’t covered, how often, allowable quantities, etc.
At 200 Pharmacy we are here to help! In addition to our item coverage list (see below), we also indicate allowable quantities on our prescription forms and other tools to make the process as easy as possible by providing you with the resources to meet the needs of you and your patients.
The best time to measure for compression is first thing in the morning. This allows us to measure while swelling is relatively minimal. Prior to fitting patients should sleep with their legs elevated the night before, and do minimal activity prior to their fitting appointment.
We conduct fittings Monday - Saturday from 9 am to 10:30 am.*
Alternatively to compression, the best time to measure for shoes is in the afternoon. This allows us to account te the changes in feet throughout the day. Although we don’t limit the appointment times, afternoon appointments are strongly suggested.
We conduct fittings for shoes Monday - Friday until 4:30 pm; Saturdays until 11:30 pm*
*Due to current COVID restrictions, fittings are appointment only until further notice.
Care Coordinators/ Resident Managers
Are you a care coordinator that needs help coordinating care for residents of your senior building?
Do you manage a property that has a large senior population that needs access to resources?
Fill out the contact form below and one of our staff members will give you a call to help you coordinate care for your residents.